Rushmoor Taxis? Call us now! | Farnborough Taxis and Chauffeurs

Taxis in Rushmoor


Information about Rushmoor Taxis

We hope the residents or taxi service users in Rushmoor area (Aldershot/Farnborough Hampshire) would find this page helpful.

Register of taxis, operators and drivers

pdf icon Register of Hackney Carriage Drivers [117kb]

pdf icon Register of joint hackney carriage and private hire drivers [47kb]

pdf icon Register of private hire drivers [60kb]

pdf icon Licensed vehicles [201kb]


Making a complaint

If you have a complaint about our service(s) to you, we would like to know them, please contact the owner  or ring 01252 651669.

If you have a complaint about any Rushmoor taxi driver, vehicle or operator, here is the direct link for Rushmoor Taxi Licensing  complaint form